Special Friends' Adventures in Jonah Sing-Along Songs and More!/Transcript (2024)


  • 1 Transcript
    • 1.1 After VeggieTales Theme Song and Opening Countertop
    • 1.2 After a Message from the Lord
    • 1.3 After The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Remix and Before Viking Medley
    • 1.4 After Viking Medley and Before In the Belly of the Whale
    • 1.5 After Belly of the Whale and Before Billy Joe McGuffrey
    • 1.6 After Billy Joe McGuffrey and Before Second Chances
    • 1.7 After Second Chances and Closing Countertop


After VeggieTales Theme Song and Opening Countertop[]

  • Bob: Hi, kids! Welcome to Jonah Sing-Along Songs and More! I'm Bob the Tomato.
  • Leo: I'm Leo.
  • Annie: I'm Annie.
  • Quincy: I'm Quincy.
  • June: I'm June.
  • Little Einsteins: We're the Little Einsteins.
  • Pooh: I am Winnie the Pooh.
  • Larry: And I'm Larry the Cucumber and I'm so excited I just can't hide it!
  • Bob: Well, there's no need to hide it, Larry. We want everything wanted to know we're making our first big movie!
  • Leo: Where we were working on our music.
  • Larry: On the big screen! Uh, Bob, now everybody will be able to see my mole.
  • Bob: Don't worry, Larry, they have makeup take care of those things.
  • Larry: Oh, good. Just think, Bob. We're making a movie about Jonah, the incredible story of a man who swallowed a whale!
  • Pooh: Oh, my! How did one person was able to eat a mega huge porpoise?
  • Bob: Uh, Larry, I think you're mixed up.
  • Larry: Am not?
  • Bob: Larry, Jonah didn't swallow a whale.
  • Larry: Did too!
  • Pooh: Now, I'm lost.
  • Bob: Okay, let's ask the expert. Archibald Asparagus is going to play Jonah in the movie. He's in his dressing room. Hey, Archibald!
  • Archibald: Um, yes?
  • Bob: Did Jonah swallow a whale?
  • Archibald: What? That's preposterous! I never heard such a ridiculous fabrication in my life!
  • Larry: Yes or no?
  • Archibald: No! The whale swallowed Jonah. Not the other way around!
  • Bob: Thanks, Archibald! See, Larry?
  • Larry: I thought for sure Jonah swallowed something. Maybe it was a goldfish.
  • Bob: I know, it's hard to admit when you're wrong. But even Jonah learned how important it is to do that. Okay, Archibald, it's time to come out! They're ready for you on the set.
  • Archibald: Ah, I'm staying right here, thank you.
  • Bob: Staying? Why?
  • Archibald: I'm not a big fan of being swallowed by a whale!
  • Bob: Archibald, there's more than a story of that. Before Jonah was swallowed by a whale, he was a famous prophet who brought God's messages to His people.
  • Quincy: Ready guys?
  • Leo, Annie, and June: Ready!

After a Message from the Lord[]

  • Pooh: (giggling) I do love that song.
  • June: Me too.
  • Pooh: You did a great job with the music, Little Einsteins.
  • Leo: Thank you, Pooh.
  • Bob: Archibald, that was great! See? Being Jonah isn't so bad.
  • Quincy: Yeah, Archibald. He's right. At least it's the first time ever, you get to play the most important protagonist.
  • Archibald: Oh, sure! That scene wasn't bad! It's what's about to happen that worries me!
  • Bob: You'll do just fine. Come on out, Archibald!
  • Archibald: I'm... busy right now!
  • Bob: Busy? Doing what?
  • Pooh: Busy singing the "Busy, Busy" song from the third VeggieTales episode. Where the heck's Lovey, I must ask?
  • Archibald: No, not that. I'm...uh, in the bathtub. Yeah, that's it! I'm in the bathtub. Practicing for the big storm scene.
  • Bob, perplexed: The big storm scene?
  • Annie: Where did everything go for a disaster?
  • Archibald: Oh, yes! And look at those rolling waves! Help, help! Blub, bub!
  • Pooh: Oh bother.
  • Larry: Hey, wait a minute! You have a bathtub in your dressing room?! Bob, this isn't fair.
  • Bob: Now, Larry...
  • Larry: I want a bathtub in my dressing room! I'm as big a star as Archibald is.
  • Bob: Uh, Larry... I...
  • Larry: I guess the producers don't care whether I'm attached to this project or not! Where's my agent?
  • Bob: You need to let go of your anger.
  • Larry: But, but... You're right, Bob. I'll go calm down in my dressing room. I'm off to raid the fridge, for cheese curls and root beer!
  • Bob: Ah, cheese curls and root beer?
  • Leo: What you need those for?
  • Pooh: Will there be cheese curls and that drink in the film?
  • Larry: Sure! That's the favorite food for The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. We're practically the stars of the movie!

After The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything Remix and Before Viking Medley[]

  • Larry: Archibald, please come out of the dressing room. If you come out and be in the movie, I've got a big surprise for you!
  • Archibald: Really? What would that be?

(Larry comes back with a huge bucket of popcorn)

  • Larry: My giant super jumbo movie popcorn!
  • Archibald: Oh, my! Did you get extra butter?
  • Larry: Extra butter? Um, just a minute. (He hops offscreen to put butter on the popcorn. But while doing so, he gets some on himself.) Oops! (He slides back and forth across the countertop as he starts spinning around 360°.) Whoa!!!!!!!!! Whee, ow!
  • Archibald: What's going on out there?
  • Bob: Uh, it's nothing, Archibald. Larry's just a little...buttery.

(Larry puts down the popcorn)

  • Archibald: Buttery? You're supposed to get the butter on the popcorn, not yourself!
  • Larry: Oh, like I didn't know that!
  • Archibald: The deal is off! I'm NOT coming out!
  • Bob: (annoyed) Nice going, Larry.

(Larry slides by standing on his head.)

  • Larry: Whoa! Uh, Bob, this would probably be a good time to roll the next song! Maybe a little nautical ditty to go with the theme of the movie!

After Viking Medley and Before In the Belly of the Whale[]

(Fade to Larry feeling angry.)

  • Larry: Alright, Archibald! We've had enough of this nonsense. You've come out of your dressing room this instant!
  • Pooh: Oh please, Archibald. We need you. We always need you.
  • Archibald: No! I won't be in your Jonah movie. Not if I have to get swallowed by a whale.
  • Larry: (starts clucking like a chicken)
  • Bob: Larry, that's not very compassionate. You're going to hurt Archibald's feelings!
  • Larry: It's called tough love, Bob.
  • Archibald, surprised and frustrated: Stop it!

(Larry continues clucking more, Bob walks away and turns off the lights.)

  • Larry: Ah! Lights!
  • Bob: Hmm. Maybe they blew a fuse on a movie set.
  • Larry: Uh, Bob! You know how I get when the lights go out, I'm... I'm...
  • Bob: Afraid of the dark?
  • Larry: I'm just more of a day person!
  • Bob: Maybe if you knew what it's like to be in the belly of the whale, you can be more compassionate toward Archibald, and remember Jonah was in the whale for three days! Here, listen to this.

After Belly of the Whale and Before Billy Joe McGuffrey[]

  • Pooh: (smacking his lips because he's eating honey) Yum yum. *nom, nom* That song made me hungry for honey. I do hope the movie gets money, so I can buy more honey, so I won't go hungry for a while.
  • Quincy: Silly, old bear. But guys, what are we going to with Archibald? He still won't come out of his dressing room!
  • Leo: Being stubborn, he is.
  • Bob: Alright, Archibald, come out of your dressing room, so you can play Jonah in our new movie!
  • Archibald: Absolutely not! Being swallowed by a whale is much too risky! Find a stunt asparagus!
  • Annie: Junior is like, in our age.
  • Larry: That's okay, Bob! While we're waiting for Archibald, let me welcome you to my very first VeggieTales memorabilia auction.
  • Bob: Auction?
  • Larry: Just look at the priceless memories around here, Bob. Here's a piece of chewing gum used by the Peaoni Brothers in that epic Veggie classic, "Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen". And, the Larry-Boy helmet from "Larry-Boy! and the Fib from Outer Space!"
  • Bob: Uh, Larry?
  • Larry: Now, how much would you pay for a jelly doughnut only partially eaten by Jerry Gourd on the set of "Dave and the Giant Pickle"?
  • Bob: Partially eaten?
  • Pooh: Instead of money, can we pat with grass. It's green too.
  • Larry: Sorry, Pooh.
  • Pooh: Oh, bother.
  • Larry: Do I hear $25? $38? $77 and ½?
  • Bob: $77 and ½?! (Bob bumps the pedestal holding the Larry-Boy helmet, causing the left plunger to shoot out and hit the pedestal holding the jelly doughnut causing the glass to shatter into itty-bitty pieces. The jelly doughnut flies back towards Bob, lands on the floor, the helmet falls and squishes it.) Oops!
  • Larry: Uh-oh. You smoosh it, you buy it, Bob.
  • Bob: Larry, it was an accident.
  • Pooh: What happened to the time we learned about forgiveness, when we were stuff in the island?
  • Larry: Doesn't matter.
  • Bob: But I don't have $77!
  • Larry: Uh, that's $77,000,000.
  • Bob: (surprised) WHAT?!
  • Larry: It's a very rare donut.
  • Bob: But I don't have that kind of money! You gotta show some mercy, Larry!
  • Larry: Mercy, eh? How much will you give me for it?
  • Pooh: How do we use mercy?
  • Bob: Mercy is free, Pooh, and Larry. Just as God shows us mercy, we need to be merciful to others!
  • Larry: Oh! Hey, that's what Jonah learned! Oh, alright. Mercy granted. You can keep $77 million.
  • Bob: Ah, gee! Thanks, Larry. Now would you help me get Archibald out of his dressing room?
  • Larry: Sure. But uh, would you mind scraping the jelly off the floor?

After Billy Joe McGuffrey and Before Second Chances[]

  • Pooh: Poor fella.
  • Larry: Uh, Bob?
  • Bob: Yeah, Larry?
  • Larry: I figured out how to get Archibald out of his dressing room so he can play Jonah in our new movie.
  • Bob: Well, how?
  • Larry: By giving him... Courage!
  • Bob: Oh, great thinking, Larry. Maybe you should slip some under his door.
  • Larry: Not a bad idea, Bob. But I had something else in mind. Oh, Archibald!
  • Archibald: I'm not coming out, and you can't make me!
  • Larry: Fear not! I'm going to inspire you with courageous heroes... from the silver screen!
  • Bob: Uh, Larry?

(Larry comes back sporting a whip and fedora.)

  • Larry: (singing Indiana Jones theme) I'm Indiana Larry!
  • Archibald: Sorry, not inspirational.
  • Quincy: We could use that for a future episode.

(Walks away. A black screen with a hole appears and Larry returns wearing a black bowtie.)

  • Larry: (with a not-so-good British accent) The name's Bond. Larry Bond!
  • Archibald: Ah, no. And that's a terrible British accent!

(Larry hops away and comes back in his Larry-Boy suit.)

  • Larry-Boy: Archibald needs a hero! I AM THAT HERO!
  • Archibald: I'm afraid not! I mean, I am afraid still.

(Pooh comes in with Jasmine in her Velvet outfit, with her inflated and holding her by the hair.)

  • Pooh: Since you are in your superhero outfit, I was hoping to give Archibald this balloon to make him want to play Jonah.
  • Leo: Jasmine?
  • Larry-Boy: Velvet to you.
  • Velvet: You do realize I'm human too, right?
  • Pooh: It's only to make him happy.
  • Archibald: No! It's still not worth it!
  • June: Oh come on, Archibald!

(She waves her arms, but accidentally smacks Pooh causing him to let Velvet float.)

  • June: Sorry, Pooh.
  • Pooh: Jasmine!
  • Larry-Boy: Velvet!
  • Velvet: Help! I haven't worked out how to get the gas out!
  • Quincy: Does anyone have something sharp, but fast to throw, so we can get her down?

(Larry-Boy throws a needle at Velvet's costume, causing it to pop and deflate, falls down and gets back up again while Velvet corrects herself)

  • Bob: It's okay, everyone, real courage doesn't come from watching movie heroes, it comes from believing in God. That's what Jonah learned!

After Second Chances and Closing Countertop[]

(Larry comes back wearing a diving mask and a ducky innertube.)

  • Pooh: Oh bother. It's not helpful at all. I suppose we need a new Jonah.
  • Bob: Ah, what are you doing?
  • Larry: Well Bob, since Archibald is never coming out of his dressing room, we've got to take matters in our own hands. So to speak.
  • Bob: Ah, what do you mean?
  • Larry: Well, we have to get someone else to play Jonah in our new movie. Someone named me! Jonah spent some time in the water.
  • Bob: Ah, Larry.
  • Larry: It's okay, Bob, I already have it memorized.
  • June: You have?
  • Bob: Hmm, your part?
  • Larry: No, my acceptance speech for the Academy Award. You like me! You really, really, really like me!
  • Bob: Larry! That's a...
  • Larry: I'd like to thank all the little people whose names I can't remember.
  • Bob: Larry!
  • Larry: And so I accept this best actor of lifetime achievement award, recognizing that once in a generation, there comes an actor whose body of work embodies an entire body of water.
  • Bob: Larry! I think you're forgetting something that Jonah discovered.
  • Larry: Oh, what's that?
  • Bob: That it's important to praise God. You're just praising yourself!
  • Larry: Yeah, but... (a door opens and then slams) (gasps) What was that? It's Archibald! He's come out of his dressing room!
  • Archibald: That's it! I cannot stand another minute of this!
  • Bob: Archibald! Are you gonna be Jonah after all?
  • Archibald: Yes! I can't let him do it! Did you hear that speech?
  • Bob: Well, yes?
  • Archibald: The only thing he has in common with Jonah is going overboard!
  • Bob: We're glad you're back, Archibald. Aren't we, Larry?
  • Larry: Um, can the pirates win best supporting actor?
  • Leo: And will it win best music of this era or what?
  • Bob: We'll find out, Larry. We'll all find out a lot in the story of Jonah.
  • Larry: Yeah, like how it feels to be whale chow.
  • Archibald: What? What did he say?
  • Larry: Oh, nothing.

(The credits roll)

(End of transcript)

Special Friends' Adventures in Jonah Sing-Along Songs and More!/Transcript (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.