How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (2024)

The Spanish letter n (ñ – lowercase, Ñ – uppercase) is a letter formed by placing a tilde on top of n or N respectively. It is part of the Spanish alphabets but it is also used in other languages.

In this tutorial today, I’ll show you how to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) or (Ñ) in Windows or Mac. You’ll also learn all the available options to insert this symbol in Word, Excel or even PowerPoint.

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

Useful Link: How to type Spanish Accents on a Keyboard.

Table of Contents

Quick help to Type Spanish n with Tilde

To type the Spanish n with the tilde sign in Windows, press and hold the Alt key and then press the character’s Alt code which is 0241 on the numeric keypad. Use 0209 for capital letter n with a tilde (Ñ). On Mac, hold down the Option/Alt key and press the n key twice on your keyboard.

Related: Online Spanish Keyboard to type Spanish Letters and Symbols

The Spanish n with tilde shortcut for Windows is Alt+0241 (ñ) or Alt+0209 (Ñ).

How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (1)

The Spanish n with tilde shortcut for Mac is Option+n+n.

How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (2)

The table below contains all the information you need to type the Spanish n character anywhere in Windows and Mac. It also has both the lower and uppercase characters if you want to copy and paste into your project.

Symbol NameN with Tilde
Spanish n Lowercaseñ
Spanish n UppercaseÑ
Alt Code for ñ0241
Alt Code for Ñ0209
Shortcut for WindowsAlt+0241
Shortcut for MacOption+n+n
Shortcut for WordCtr+~, N

In the table above, you’ll get enough information to type the Spanish n with tilde sybol on either Windows or Mac.

However, you should read further if you still need a step by step guide on how to insert this symbol in Windows, Mac or Word/Excel/PowerPoint.

Even though there is the letter n on the keyboard, but the Spanish n has a tilde on top of it. If only there were some keys on the keyboard to type Spanish characters. Whilst there are Spanish keyboard with such keys, the English keyboard doesn’t have them.

In this case, typing becomes a little hard for you if you have to type a lot of Spanish characters (including the Spanish N).

It doesn’t have to be hard for you with the help of this guide. You’ll learn all the shortcuts to type this character into your Project.

How to type Spanish n in Windows (using Alt Code)

NOTE: The alt code method works everywhere on Windows inclduing Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

The Alt code for the Spanish n with a tilde is 0241 for lowercase ñ and 0209 for uppercase Ñ.

How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (3)

The easiest way to type the Spanish n symbol is to use the alt code. Without any further ado, below are the steps involved.

To type Spanish n in Windows, press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard whilst you type the symbol’s alt code which is 0241 or 0209 on the numeric keypad at the right side of the keyboard. Press Ctrl+NmLk to enable the numeric keypad on small laptops with a small keyboard.

Below is a step by step guide for more details:

  • Place your cursor at where you want to type the Spanish n symbol.
  • Press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard.
  • Whilst still holding on to this key, press the symbol’s alt code which is 0241 for lowercase Spanish n (ñ) and 0209 for uppercase Spanish n (Ñ).
  • Release the alt key to insert the desired symbol.

These are the steps to type the Spanish n symbol in Windows using the symbol’s alt code.

How to type Spanish n on Mac (shortcut)

To type the Spanish n on Mac, press and hold the letter ‘n’ for a few seconds until you see a pop-up menu with all the possible accents for ‘n’. Select the n with a tilde mark to insert it into your work. Alternatively, press Option+n,n on your keyboard.

How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (4)

For a more step by step approach, obey the following steps.

  • Place the cursor where you want to type the Spanish n.
  • Press Ctrl+n on your keyboard and wait for the tilde ~ symbol to appear (highlighted)
  • Press n again to type the Spanish n symbol.
  • Alternatively, press and hold the Option key, then press the n key twice.

These are the steps to type the Spanish n on a Mac computer.

How to type Spanish n with tilde in Word

There are several ways you can type the Spanish letter n with tilde in Microsoft Word. In this section, we’ll go through the easy options one after the other in considerable detail.

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

The Spanish n with tilde Symbol shortcut

The shortcut to type the Spanish n with tilde is Ctr+~, N. However, practically, it should be (Ctrl) + (Shift) + ( ` ), then n.

The easiest way to type most symbols or characters is to use the symbol’s shortcut.

Microsoft Word is filled with easy to use shortcuts for almost all its symbols or characters.

To type Spanish n with tilde in Word using the shortcut, Place the curser where you need to type the symbol. Press and hold Ctrl+Shift keys and press the tilde key. The tilde key is the same key as the grave accent ( ` ) located directly below the Esc key at the top-left corner of the keyboard.

How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (5)

Let me put this in steps:

  • First, place your cursor or insertion pointer at where you need to type the Spanish n with a tilde mark on top.
  • Press and hold the Shift and the Ctrl key at the same time.
  • Whilst still holding on to these two keys, press the tilde key directly below the Esc key on the top-left section of your keyboard.

NOTE: We are pressing the shift key in addition because you can’t type the tilde ( ~ ) without pressing Shift.

As soon as you press these hotkeys, you should be able to type the Spanish n Symbol in your Word document.

The Spanish n with tilde Alt code

The alt code to type Spanish n with tilde in Word is 0241 for lowercase ñ and 0209 for uppercase Ñ.

Using this alt code, you can type the Spanish n symbol or character anywhere on the Windows environment including Microsoft Word.

Just obey the following steps:

  • Place the insertion pointer or cursor at where you want to type the symbol.
  • Whilst pressing down the Alt key on the keyboard, press 0241 (The symbol’s alt code) on the numeric keypad. For the uppercase Spanish n with tilde, use 0209 instead.
  • After pressing the Alt code, release the alt key.
How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (6)

NOTE: You must type the Alt code on the numeric keypad at the right side of your keyboard. If you are using a laptop without the numeric keypad, Press Ctrl+NmLk to enable it on your laptop keyboard.

This is how you may type this symbol using the alt code.

Spanish n with tilde copy and paste

One of the hassle-free ways to get this character with the tilde mark is to simply copy it from somewhere and paste it into your project.

Below are both the lower and uppercase n with a tilde if you want to copy and paste it into your project.

Lowercase Spanish n (ñ)


Uppercase Spanish n (Ñ)


To copy and paste the Spanish n with a tilde mark, double click on it ( ñ ) or simply click and drag your cursor over it. Then press Ctrl+C to copy. Open up the document where you need it and press Ctrl+V to paste.

Using the Symbol’s dialog

Aside from using all the options above, you can also get this letter into your Word document by using the Symbol’s dialog box.

This dialog box contains all the symbols you can think of. So, you’ll need go through chunk of symbols before you could get the one you need to insert.

To do so, obey the steps below:

  • Go to the Insert tab.
How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (7)
  • In theSymbolsgroup, click on theSymbolsbutton, then selectMore Symbols…
How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (8)
  • TheSymbolsdialog box will appear.
How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (9)
  • From this dialog, scroll down to locate the character. Then double click on it to insert it into your document. Alternatively, select it and click on theInsertbutton at the bottom right section of the dialog box.
How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (10)
  • After inserting the symbol, clickCancelto close the Symbol dialog.

This is how you may insert the n with a tilde sign into MS Word using the insert symbol dialog.

How to type Spanish n with tilde in Excel

In Excel, there are three simple methods you can use to type the Spanish n with a tilde sign or symbol.

One involves using the symbol’s alt code for Windows only, the second one involves using the CHAR function, and the last one involves using the insert symbol dialog box for both Mac and Windows.

Let’s explore these options below.

Using Alt code for Windows only

To type the Spanish n with tilde letter in Excel using the Alt code:

  • Select the cell where you want to type this letter.
  • Press down the alt key.
  • Whilst still pressing down the alt key, press 0241 for lowercase n with a tilde and 0209 for uppercase n with a tilde. You must press the alt code on the numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard.
  • Now release the Alt key.

The symbol should be inserted into the selected cell.

Using the CHAR function

The CHAR function is used to get any letter/symbol/character you can think of.

Every symbol or character has a unique digital code that is recognized anywhere.

So with this unique code (alt code), you can utilize the CHAR function to get any symbol or character in Excel including the n with a tilde mark.

Obey the following instructions:

  • First, specify the cell that will contain the character.
  • Next, type =CHAR( and then add the symbol’s alt code. The complete formula should look like this:=CHAR(0241)OR=CHAR(241) for lowercase n with tilde and =CHAR(0209)OR=CHAR(209) for uppercase n with tilde.
How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (11)


How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (12)


  • As soon as you finish typing this formula, press the enter key to see the result.

Bonus: After getting the symbol, you can copy and paste the cell as values to remove the formula in the background.

Using insert Symbol’s dialog.

  • Select the cell that will contain the symbol you want to insert.
  • Click on the Insert tab.
How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (13)
  • On theInserttab, search for theSymbolsdrop-down button and click on it.
How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (14)
  • From the dropdown menu, selectSymbol.
  • TheSymbolsdialog box will appear. This is like the library for symbols where you can add any symbol that cannot be seen on the keyboard.
How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (15)
  • From this Symbol dialog box, search for the character you want to insert and double click on it to get it into your work. Alternatively, just click on theInsertbutton at the bottom of the dialog.
  • Click on theCancelbutton to close the dialog.

These are the methods you can use to type Spanish n anywhere on your computer whether you are using Mac or windows.

How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything (2024)


How to type Spanish n with a tilde (ñ) on Keyboard (+ Alt Code) - How to Type Anything? ›

For the Spanish ñ, press Ctrl + ~, then the n key.

How do I make the Spanish Ñ on my keyboard? ›

To make the “ñ” character, press both “Ctrl” and “~” keys then type lowercase “n“. This will generate the “ñ” symbol automatically. You can also use the Alt code. Press and hold “Alt” key while entering a code (ALT+0241) and you can get the “ñ” character.

What is the Alt code for the Spanish Ñ? ›

CharacterALT Code
10 more rows

How to type Ñ on us keyboard? ›

The lowercase ⟨ñ⟩ can be made in the Microsoft Windows operating system by typing Alt + 164 or Alt + 0241 on the numeric keypad (with Num Lock turned on); the uppercase ⟨Ñ⟩ can be made with Alt + 165 or Alt + 0209 .

How do I type Spanish accents on my keyboard? ›

Typing Spanish Accents
  1. á (lower case a, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then the letter a. é (lower case e, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then the letter e. ...
  2. Á (upper case A, acute accent) = Press Ctrl + ' (apostrophe), then Shift + a. ...
  3. ¿ (inverted question mark) = Press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + ? (
Oct 2, 2023

What is the Alt key for the Ñ? ›

Vowels with accents
Uppercase vowel with tilde accentPress

How do you get the Ñ on a keyboard without a NumPad? ›

Press the Ctrl, Shift, and ~ (tilde) keys simultaneously. Release all three keys. Type an N (Shift + n) or n to create an Ñ or ñ. In Windows 10 how do I type the character "É" in a keyboard that has no NumPad?

How do I add accents on my keyboard? ›

Using Microsoft Word & Office apps (Shortcut Keys)
  1. Grave accent (à): Press and hold the Control key (Ctrl) on the bottom-left of your keyboard and the Accent key (`) near the top-left together. ...
  2. Acute accent (é): Press and hold the Control key (Ctrl) and the Apostrophe key (') near the Enter key together.
Nov 7, 2023

How to add tilde to Ñ? ›

On a U.S. keyboard, press Ctrl+Shift+` (that is, Ctrl+~), release, and then type n or N. For other shortcuts in Word, see These shortcuts work only in Office applications; Alt+0xxx shortcuts work in any application, or you can insert characters using the Character Map.

How do you type Ñ character code in word? ›

Common diacritical character codes
30 more rows

What is the Alt key for accent? ›

Capital Vowels
VowelAlt Code
3 more rows

How do you type Spanish accents without Alt codes? ›

Using the U.S. – International Keyboard
  1. á = ' + a.
  2. é = ' + e.
  3. í = ' + i.
  4. ó = ' + o.
  5. ú = ' + u.
  6. ñ = ~ + n.
  7. ü = ” + u.

What is the Alt code for the Spanish accent E? ›

áHold down ALT160 or 0225
ÉHold down ALT0201
ÍHold down ALT0205
ÓHold down ALT0211
ÚHold down ALT0218
14 more rows

How to type the Spanish Ñ on Chromebook? ›

Use the Keyboard Shortcut
  1. Hold the Crtl+Shift+U keys.
  2. You should see the little underlined u.
  3. Type the code for the special character. the tilde (ñ) is 00D1(see linked chart above – use the “Unicode code point” column)
Aug 20, 2021

How to type Spanish Ñ on Mac? ›

Wondering how to type Spanish accents on Mac? To get ñ, for example, you need to hold down Option-N, release this combination and then press N again. To get the capital letter Ñ, add Shift: Option–N, Shift–N.

How to do Spanish Ñ on keyboard Dell? ›

For accented vowels: Press Ctrl + ' , then the vowel ( Ctrl + ' + a = á). For Ñ: Press Ctrl + ~ , then the letter n ( Ctrl + ~ + n = = ñ).

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