For You - The Spicy Edit - KaiAtlantis - Artemis Fowl (2024)




"Kiss me."

So Holly did, until their kiss was no longer an innocent display of love, but a raw need to be entwined.

Artemis' fingers found the zipper on her jumpsuit, undressing her as quickly as he could manage. The thick emerald material was slow to peel from her skin, designed to mold to her body as closely as possible. He laughed into their kiss, relieved when she chuckled with him, understanding his frustration. Her fingers were in his hair and behind his neck, holding him to her. He felt his heart swell from the way she looked at him through the breaks they took to breathe. She wanted him.

How could one not oblige Holly Short?

Although he was slow to get her suit off, he found her skin-coloured leotard underneath, the closest thing to underwear she had on. Even with her permission Artemis was hesitant, as if afraid of breaking a sacred bond between them. They'd always been the closest of friends, except for when they weren't. And when they weren't, it was certainly not the easiest of times. But, there was something to be said about being unapologetically themselves, and they understood that, perhaps, they worked better as a dynamic.

They were better together.

Even if together blossomed into something more than friends, than love. It was cosmic, written in the stars. It was perfect.

Artemis dropped his lips to her neck, nipping the sensitive flesh with his teeth as he trailed a finger up her leotard, circling the curve below her covered breasts.

"Arty," Holly rasped breathlessly, cradling his cheek with hers. "Show me what you know about anatomy."

Had she said that at any other moment, Artemis would've laughed. But he was so aroused by her scent, her sweet lips, her love, that took her words to heart. He couldn't resist grinning against her throat. Artemis was a prideful creature, and if she was challenging his knowledge of female anatomy, be it fairy or human, all he could do was accept and prove his genius.

He was careful to peel down her leotard slowly, just enough she could stop him if she changed her mind. But she didn't, and soon her breasts were free, taut and pert under his chilling touch. Artemis traced the tip of his tongue towards her ear, gently gripping her pointed tip as a hand caressed her left breast. He smiled in satisfaction when she sighed, moving his lips back to hers.

The heat from her body was incredible, much warmer than he or any human was. Artemis released her lips, leaving a trail of subtle kisses down her throat and collarbone, making a gradual and aching descent towards her chest. He didn't know what thrilled him more: the sight of her, or the feel of her. He pulled back to catch one more glance at her bare breasts, completely obsessed with her body.

"You are so beautiful," he muttered as he moved back in, trailing his lips down her chest and finally, thankfully, finding her soft mounds. His hand cupped one as his teeth sank into another, treating a darkened nipple to a hard bite. He smirked when she gasped and bucked against him. Her fingers yanked his hair, arching his neck for her to sink her own teeth into.

The gesture was enough to heighten both's excitement, four sets of hands eagerly ripping off Holly's jumpsuit and leotard. Artemis latched onto her with his teeth, not fond of releasing his lover's nipple just yet. He lost his grip when she tore off the remaining fabric, but that was no problem for him. He hungrily attached to her other breast instead, not keen of leaving one lonely. Her fingers felt like electric sparks on his bare skin, the red welts she dug into his shoulders shockwaves.

It was right then that Artemis registered that Holly was naked beside him. She was sharing her most intimate self with him. His heart slowed, though each beat threatened to tear apart his chest. He couldn't believe the honor she was granting him. It was so special to know she trusted him enough to share herself, even if it wasn't completely all the way. Even just to look at her was enough.

Except, that he hadn't looked, at least, not yet. Artemis released his love and stood from the piano bench, his eyes still glued to her as he moved between her instead. He kneeled to the floor so he could better kiss her bosom, her height on the bench the perfect reach for him. He gave her two light kisses to the tops of her breasts, sucking in a breath as he fell back, finally taking her in - all of her.

Artemis was speechless.

He adored this fierce and stunning creature, adored her to no end. Adored her with a burning ferocity that rivaled a giant star. And she wanted him. Despite their status, he couldn't believe it, even now. She was really giving herself to him. He'd had enough of waiting around, ogling, contemplating. He wanted her now.

But he was no monster. He smoothed an elegant hand up and over the curve of her hip, brushing past auburn curls and gliding into the sharp dip of her waist. "Do you understand how utterly gorgeous you are?" he whispered, leaning in to gently take her lips into his.

Holly felt her cheeks darken, suddenly aware of how exposed she was. But she carried on, accepting his compliment with a desperate kiss, tangling her fingers into his damp locks to keep him close. She whined when he left her lips, leaving a loving path with his own down her humble chest, down her cut hips, her toned belly. A blue spark escaped her when he tickled her pelvis, daring even further with one kiss after the other.

Holly nearly giggled, covering her blushed face with a hand as the other refused to leave his hair, his lips teasing her inner thighs as he parted them slowly. She closed her eyes as he lowered, anxiety thrilling her when he finally closed the gap between them, his single touch sending a network of fireworks through her veins. Holly cried out, jerking against the piano and causing a dysphoric blurt of keys, but neither lover cared.

Artemis had two objectives at the current moment: to flaunt his genius, his pride unwilling to interpret her challenge as a tease. He was determined to prove to her the knowledge he'd obtained and retained through the years, thanks to research and personal experience. Artemis was no fool, and he certainly wasn't about to be clueless when making love to his partner.

His second, and most paramount objective was to pour as much love into Holly as possible; to pleasure her until she was duly, and overly, satisfied. And from the sound of it, he was right on track.

Spark after spark zapped through Holly, electrifying her limbs and intoxicating her mind. Normally, she couldn't recall being so loud, but she was so damn aroused and in love with the human between her legs, she didn't care. Incessant moans echoed off the walls while she grinded against Artemis' mouth, his teeth, his tongue, anything she could feel from him. Gods, she hated to admit it, but he was so f*cking good.

"Holy f*ck," Holly groaned, peeking open an eye to weakly watch him. He was so handsome, black locks in sweaty wisps over his piercing blue gaze. Her heart fluttered when they locked eyes, a tiny smile gracing her flushed cheeks. "You're so f*cking hot."

He leaned back to flash an arrogant smirk at her. "Oh? Are you enjoying this?"

"Shut up," she growled, shoving his face back where it belonged. He happily obliged, giving her what she wanted when she felt her entrance prodded, broken into with a single finger. Holly jerked into his hand, her back arched into the blaring keys as overwhelmed, wide eyes stared at the ceiling. "Artemis!"

Her moans were a flawless symphony to his ears, easily overriding the noise of the piano. And when she yelled his name? His name while she twitched and soaked in total bliss? He was bewitched by her musical cries of pleasure, her nectarine taste, her elfish allure. It only encouraged him further. He could tell by her intensity that she was close, and he hadn't even pulled out all the stops yet.

Interesting, Artemis wondered. Elves appear to be incredibly sensitive. And then he had another consideration. Or, it's just a Holly phenomenon.

Either way, it was another bit of research for the books. For now, it was time to finish off his lover.

Artemis lifted Holly's thighs over his shoulders, sliding her closer. He expertly serviced her with his tongue, those lithe pianist fingers working his own magickal tune inside her. His free hand traveled up her body, grasping a soft breast out of love before slithering back down her skin, stopping above her womb. He had a theory that he'd picked up on over the years, and being the observant deviant that he was, he hadn't been wrong yet. His fingers clenched into a flat fist against her pelvis and pressed down roughly, trapping her womb between the bench and his fist.

"A-Arty! F-f*ck!" Holly screamed, throwing her head back as her body swelled and burned under his touch. Her hips rolled into him for more, and as her lustful desire rose and hit the tipping point, Holly exploded into a frenzy of blue sparks. "HOLY f*ck!" She was incapable of words at that point, broken and useless into a mindless pile of sputtering mush.

But the poor elf was spared no mercy. Artemis wasn't finished with her yet, persisting through her clamped thighs and wails of joy. He brought her into a second round of ecstasy, her thrashing more violent and aggressive. A thousand more sparks exploded from her core and spread through her hot, naked flesh like roots. She collapsed into the piano for a final time, panting and shivering, vibrating beads of sweat rolled off her magick-coated skin.

Artemis finally released her, his lips faintly tracing up her body, over every scar and muscle, until he was back at her adorable pout. He pressed his lips to hers as the cocoon of blue light faded away. "Satisfied?"

Holly didn't speak, eyelids fluttering as it took her a moment to gather her breath and bearings. Artemis smoothed away the stray hairs that stuck to her sticky face, his thumbs brushing across her sharp cheekbones as he waited. Holly melted into him, crafting a plan of her own.

She offered him a sneaky smile, surging forward to plant a series of kisses on his lips, whispering between them, "Hmmm… Not quite."

He returned the smile. "Oh? Say no more." He would've dropped to knees had Holly let him, but she stood off the bench, her palms flat on his chest as she pushed him back.

"Not my turn. Yours."

Artemis blinked. He wasn't planning on receiving, but the image of her pleasuring him filled a void he didn't know he had, and after imagining that? Well, there was no turning back. He allowed her to take the lead as she switched their spots, taking a position between his legs. Artemis gulped, the sight before him already stimulating. "You really don't have to, Holls."

"I want to. Do you want me to?"

Oh gods. He nearly turned feral from that question alone. "I won't say no," he grinned. He twisted around to close the piano top. The last thing he needed was an annoying distraction. He rested an elbow back and dropped his gaze, one thumb still stroking her heart-shaped face.

The affection didn't last long. Holly had her fingers curled around the waist of his pajamas, tugging them off easily. Artemis stood to help her until he was left in his boxer briefs, the red color as bright as his cheeks. He sat back down, relaxing back but unable to tear his eyes away from Holly. He was flabbergasted. He just couldn't believe it. Her impish smile was so close to his most intimate organ. He couldn't tell if his heart was aflame from the embers twisting his core or his affection for this magnificent fairy.

She'd had enough of waiting - she pulled his boxers apart, allowing his erection to spring free. His excitement was apparent, as it reflected in the deep wine blush across their faces.


Artemis sucked in a deep breath. "What?"

Holly's gaze flicked from his length to his eyes. "Are all humans this- um…" She gave him a stroke, snickering when he twitched. "You're kind of big."

"I'm average," he chuckled.

"What's average?"

"Globally? About 5 and a half inches, if my memory serves me right."

She held her tiny forearm against his length for comparison. "This is 5 inches?"

Artemis fumed playfully for a moment, trying to maintain his composure. "...Fine. I'm above average."

"Uh, yeah."

He tangled his fingers in her hair. She seemed hesitant, her teeth clamping her lip with uncertainty. "Scared?" Artemis co*cked a brow, his tone a challenge.

Holly gave a cute shake of her head, her coy smile that of a temptress. "No."

Artemis moved his thumb over her freckles. He watched the rays of light that broke through the curtains streak across her bronze skin, the gold flecks like sparkling glitter. "Good," he breathed, enchanted by her raw beauty.

He wasn't prepared for her to take him right there and then, but as he watched her plump mouth sink down his shaft, Artemis swore that he felt his soul leave his body. His eyes rolled back, his loins on fire. "Oh, yes." He looked at her weakly, her mouth like velvet as she worked him.

A ball of tension pulsed and released in his abdomen, thumping coils of electricity shocking his system and dulling his mind. Gods. She was so good. She didn't seem to have much difficulty, and a tooth seldom grazed him. But he couldn't complain - she was fantastic, working him with years of expertise under her belt. Of course, he'd prefer the actual act of sexual intercourse, but there was something so primal, so dirty about pleasuring each other this way, it was driving him crazy.

He could feel himself losing control and getting closer to his release. He locked eyes with his lover, totally enamored by her dangerously long lashes and sultry gaze. "Oh, f*ck."

Holly would've burst into laughter had she not been so focused, hammering herself down on him to bring his pleasure to fruition.

"f*ck," Artemis rasped again, his once gentle grip on her head firm and desperate now. A deep, carnal lust pooled in his loins and tightened before bursting, wave after wave of climatic pleasure crashing into him. A guttural growl escaped his throat, his head and eyes rolled back as his release overwhelmed him.

In the same manner as he'd done before, Holly kissed up his body, her hands flat on his chest as her lips graced his. She pressed her forehead to his, amused by his slow recovery. "Satisfied?"

Artemis made a sound between a laugh and a cough, nuzzling Holly as love burned his heart and heated the air between them. "With you? Always."


For You - The Spicy Edit - KaiAtlantis - Artemis Fowl (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.