Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Emulsifiers in the evaporated milk prevent your cheese from breaking into curds and oil, ensuring a smooth and creamy sauce.
  • Making cheese sauce yourself means you can customize it, getting the exact cheese flavor, level of spice, and more right where you want it.

Sure, you could just pop the top on a jar of store-bought nacho cheese sauce, but what's the fun in that? Even more importantly, what control does that give you? Not much: You can't choose what kinds of cheese go into the sauce, nor how spicy it is, and whether you add pickled jalapeños or not. But with this dead-easy homemade nacho cheese sauce, you can make those decisions, and end up with a silky, gooey, perfect nacho cheese sauce of your own design. Whenever you want.

Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (1)

The journey to my ideal cheese sauce started with a suggestion from my wife.

My wife, in case you haven't noticed, is an odd sort of bird. For starters, simply getting married to me was a questionable act; I don't have all that much to offer. I've got barely any money. My slim figure and good looks left me long ago (right about the same time as the 500th hamburger). I steal the covers when I sleep.

What Icanpromise her, on the other hand, is that if there is any food in the world she desires, I will not rest until she is inundated in mountains of it. And what, you may ask, does my fair wife wish to be drowned in? Foie gras? Truffles? Links and links of natural casing Sabrett's hot dogs?

Nope.Just one thing: cheese sauce.The ooey, gooey, velvety smooth, shiny, silky, hot, tangy, and salty goo that chain restaurants and movie theaters ooze over their fries, hot dogs, and nachos.

According to her, the gold standard for this liquid gold is from the pumps in the fixin's station at the fast-casual burger chainFuddruckers. We hit the nearest location in Paramus, New Jersey, for a taste test.

Straight out of the pump, it's some really miraculous stuff: it flows like magma, with a silken sheen and not a hint of graininess.

Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (2)

One of the true tests of cheese sauce is how it reacts after it cools down a bit. I let one cup of the Fudd's sauce sit on the table while we enjoyed our burgers, then retested for consistency by pouring it over my fries.

Still gooey, still creamy, still shiny—a stark contrast to the plastic-like cheese sauce they serve atShake Shack(surely their poorest offering).

Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (3)

Taste-wise, on the other hand, it leaves more than a little something to be desired. It starts off salty and tangy in a way that can only be described as "piquant" (a word I've never used before in my life), but from there goes downhill with an acrid, chemical finish.

My goal: to create a cheese sauce with the melty, gooey, spreadable dippability of Fuddruckers sauce, but with the complex flavor ofrealcheese. My path there wasn't exactly smooth sailing.

Gimme a Break!

Cheese melts, right? So why not just throw some real cheddar cheese in a bowl, and heat it until it's at perfect sauce consistency?

Well here's why:

Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (4)

Not pretty, right?

In order to explain why this oily breakage occurs, let's take a closer look at exactly what cheese is made of:

  • Wateris present to varying degrees. Young cheeses like Jack, mild cheddar, or mozzarella have a relatively high water content—up to 80%. The longer a cheese is aged for, the more moisture it loses, and the harder it becomes. Famous hard cheeses, like Parmigiano-Reggiano or Pecorino Romano may be as little as 30% water after several years of aging.
  • In solid cheese, milk fat is suspended in the form of microscopic globules held in a tight matrix of proteinmicelles(more on those in a second). Under around 90°F (32°C), the fat is solid. Because of this, and because of their suspension, the fat globules don't come into contact with each other to form larger globules: cheeses stay creamy or crumbly instead of greasy.
  • Protein micellesare spherical bundles of milk proteins. Individual milk proteins (the main ones are four similar molecules called caseins) resemble little tadpoles, with hydrophobic (water-avoiding) heads, and hydrophilic (water-seeking) tails. These proteins come together head first in bundles of several thousand, protecting their hydrophobic heads, and exposing their hydrophilic tails. These micelles link together into long chains, forming a matrix that gives the cheese structure.
  • Salt and other flavoringsmake up the rest of the cheese. Salt can have a profound effect on the texture of the cheese—saltier cheeses have had more moisture drawn out of the curd before being pressed, so they tend to be drier and firmer. Other flavorful compounds present in cheese are mostly intentional byproducts of bacteria and aging.

Anyone who has ever tried to make an aged cheese can tell you that it's all about delicately balancing ingredients ratios, timing, and temperature. Heat throws this whole balance off. To explain how, let me quote from Harold McGee's seminal work,On Food and Cooking:

"First, at around 90°F, the milk fat melts, which makes the cheese more supple, and often brings little beads of melted fat to the surface. Then at higher temperatures—[around 150°F for cheddar]—enough of the proteins holding the casein proteins together are broken that the protein matrix collapses."

As the cheese heats to higher temperatures, you'll notice two things happening. First, the liquefied fat will come together into greasy pools and separate from the water and proteins. As you continue to stir the melted cheese, the proteins—which are suspended in whatever part of the water hasn't yet evaporated—glue themselves together with the help of calcium into long, tangled strands, forming the stretchy curds that anyone who's eaten string cheese is familiar with.

To get a cheesy sauce that's shiny and smooth, and not greasy nor stringy, the key is to discover a way in which to keep the fat globules from separating out and pooling, adding moisture to thin the texture out a bit, and figuring out a way to keep the proteins from breaking apart and rejoining into long strands.

Well, how the heck do you do that? Luckily for us (and allow me to quotePeter Panhere for a moment):"All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again."

Getting Saucy

For clues on how to keep cheese melty, I turned towards Kraft's Velveeta.

Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (5)

A close look at its ingredients list reveals a couple of clues. First of all, milk and water play a large part in its makeup, indicating that its moisture content is higher than that of straight cheese. Extra protein is also in there, in the form of milk protein concentrate. Finally, it containssodium alginate, a natural gum extracted from algae.

"It'll turn greasy if you look at it wrong."

I know that sodium alginate, by thickening the liquid in the cheese, acts to prevent fat globules from coalescing, and individual proteins from sticking together too easily. It also increases the viscosity of the water, adding body to the sauce. But what about the extra milk proteins? It's well known thatcheeses that have a higher protein-to-fat ratio are much better at melting.Low fat, high moisture, high protein mozzarella, for example, turns into a stretchy goo with almost no help at all—you have to heat it significantly before its fat separates out. Cheddar, on the other hand, has an especially high fat ratio. It'll turn greasy if you look at it wrong.

So where does one go about finding excess milk proteins and gums? Turns out that there are a few sources already present in most homes: cream cheese, evaporated milk, and mayonnaise.

Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (6)

Cream cheeseis a fresh cheese product with a relatively high fat content kept stable with the addition of guar and carob gums. Although it's high fat, my thought was that adding it to my melted cheddar would provide enough stabilizing gums to keep the cheddar itself from separating.

Evaporated milkis essentially milk with much of its water content removed, effectively giving you a very concentrated source of milk proteins. Hopefully these extra proteins would help stabilize my sauce as well.

Finally,mayonnaisecontains neither milk proteins nor thickeners, but it's got plenty of lecithin, an emulsifier naturally present in egg yolks. The lecithin acts as a sort of liaison between the milk fats and the liquid, keeping them in relatively stable harmony.

I made a few more batches of cheese sauce, one with cream cheese added, one with evaporated milk, and one with mayonnaise, adjusting the consistency as needed with a bit of whole milk. As a control, I also made one sauce by melting the cheese in just plain milk, as well as a flour-basedmornay sauce.

Of the five sauces, the milk version was a total bust:

Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (7)

Not quite as greasy as straight-up melted cheese, but the proteins still seized up and locked together into a stringy, gloppy, inedible mess.

The mornay sauce also had the same problem that mornay sauces always have: No matter how well they are made, there is still a faint graininess to them and a distinct flavor that may be appropriate in a Hot Brown sandwich, but not for fry-cheese.

The other three fared much better:

Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (8)

Each one managed to come together into a relatively smooth, glossy sauce, though none of them were quite as smooth as I'd like them to be—I still noticed distinct protein clumps. The mayonnaise-based sauce also tasted, well, like mayonnaise.

It was down to the cream cheese or evaporated milk. Allowing them to cool worsened the problems. Both sauces completely lost their flow structure, instead turning grainy and broken, like semi-dry concrete.

I needed a better way to keep the fat, protein, and water together. I'd already tried through various chemical methods (extra proteins, adding emulsifiers), but what about a mechanical means?

"starches are like the bouncers of the sauce world"

Starcheshave no chemical effect on the way sauces come together, but can help keep emulsions more stable through different means. First, they absorb water and expand, thickening the liquid phase of the sauce in the same way gums do. But more importantly, starches are like the bouncers of the sauce world: They're bulky, and they physically impede proteins and fats from coming together and coalescing.

I'd already tried flour (in the mornay) with no success, but what about a purer starch likecornstarch?Thatwas the boost my sauce needed. This time, even when allowed to cool completely, the sauce stayed silky, glossy, and dippably good.

Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (9)

In the end I decided to stick with the evaporated milk,as it allowed for more flavor control. (To get the cream cheese to work, I had to add a significant amount of it, which ended up lending its own distinct flavor to the sauce.)

I found that the easiest way to incorporate the cornstarch was to simply toss it with the grated cheese. That way, when I added the cheese to the pot, the cornstarch was already dispersed enough that it couldn't form annoying clumps.

As far as flavor goes, using anextra-sharp cheddaralong with a little dash ofFrank's Red Hotgave it the distinct piquancy (there's that word again) of the Fuddruckers sauce. Also, if you're the kind of person who likes to add salsa to Velveeta, you may have just found a new best friend.

Want a Food Lab triple whammy? Just pair this sauce up with ourPerfect Thin and Crispy French FriesandChili for Chili Fries.Snack time will never be the same.

September 2010

Recipe Details

Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe

Prep5 mins

Cook10 mins

Active15 mins

Total15 mins

Serves12 servings

Makes1 1/2 cups


  • 8 ounces extra-sharp cheddar cheese (or a mix of cheddar and pepper Jack; see notes), grated on large holes of a box grater

  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch

  • One 12-ounce can evaporated milk, divided

  • 2 teaspoons Franks Red Hot or other hot sauce


  1. Add cheese and cornstarch to large bowl. Toss to combine. Transfer to medium saucepan.

    Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (10)

  2. Add 1 cup evaporated milk and hot sauce. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly with whisk until melted, bubbly, and thickened, about 5 minutes. Mixture will look thin and grainy at first but will thicken and come together after heating. Thin to desired consistency with additional evaporated milk. Serve immediately with fries, tortilla chips, burgers, or hot dogs.

    Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (11)


This cheese sauce is gooey and tangy. For a spicier version, substitute half the cheddar cheese with pepper Jack and add 2-3 minced pickled jalapeños, or to taste.

To reheat the sauce, microwave it on high heat, stopping and stirring every 30 seconds, until it's fully melted.

  • Cheese Dips
  • Nachos
Cheese Sauce for Cheese Fries and Nachos Recipe (2024)


What is the best cheese for cheese fries? ›

Use shredded block cheddar cheese for the best cheese sauce. It melts better so the sauce is creamier. You can use pre-shredded cheese, but the sauce will have a stretchy consistency. It's not bad, but not as good as block cheese.

What is the best melting cheese for nachos? ›

A: While you can technically use any type of cheese for nachos, some cheeses work better than others. The best options include Cheddar, Monterey Jack, Pepper Jack, and Queso Blanco.

What makes cheese sauce smooth? ›

For Smooth, Stable Cheese Sauces, Cornstarch and Evaporated Milk Are Your Friends.

What cheese doesn't melt when fried? ›

But as the weather gets hotter, maybe we should take a look at some cheeses that don't melt. There's a family of semi-firm cheeses — among them, queso panela, queso fresco, paneer, halloumi, feta, cotija, ricotta and soft goat cheese — that won't melt over direct or indirect heat in your kitchen.

What kind of cheese do Mexican restaurants use on nachos? ›

Panela, queso fresco, and Cotija are some of the most common cheeses used by Mexican restaurants. Most likely it is requesón, a dry cheese that crumbles and is hard to melt. Cheers!

What kind of cheese goes on nachos? ›

Cheddar cheese is a popular choice these days, though Monterey Jack and Mozzarella work just as well. Nacho cheese, or cheese sauce, is another delightful interpretation of this key ingredient. To transform your nachos into a heartier snack or even a main meal, consider adding a meat filling.

How do you melt cheese and keep it creamy? ›

It's so simple.
  1. In a saucepan over medium low heat, add 1/2 cup of water (or beer) and 2 teaspoons sodium citrate.
  2. Bring to a slow simmer. Do not boil.
  3. Whisk in 8 ounces (1/2 pound) grated cheese (any kind you like including parmesan).
  4. Stir until melted.
  5. Hold warm.
Dec 31, 2022

What is the best melting cheese for sauce? ›

10 Best Cheeses for Melting
  • Colby. An all-American cheese, Colby is firm but mild-flavored and creamy. ...
  • Havarti. This Danish easy-melting cheese has a mild aroma and flavor with hints of butter and sweetness. ...
  • Swiss. ...
  • Fontina. ...
  • Monterey Jack. ...
  • Muenster. ...
  • Provolone. ...
  • Smoked Gouda.

Do you add milk when melting cheese? ›

How Do You Make Cheese Sauce From Scratch?
  1. Melt butter: In a medium size sauce pan over medium high heat, then add the butter and melt.
  2. Whisk: Now add in the flour to the butter, then slowly whisk in the milk. Next, add in the cheese. Continue to mix until the cheese is melted.
  3. Serve!
Jul 10, 2020

How to make cheese sauce more flavorful? ›

  1. Sub whole milk for at least part of the cream. Cream is heavy and mutes the flavor of cheese.
  2. Add a dash of garlic powder, dry mustard, and smoked paprika to the roux while it cooks. ...
  3. Temper a couple egg yolks and integrate into the sauce before you add cheese. ...
  4. Good cheese, and multiple cheeses!
Jul 4, 2017

What is cheese sauce made of? ›

Classic cheese sauce begins with béchamel — a simple white sauce made of butter, flour, milk, and a few seasonings. Cheese is then added to the white sauce to create cheese sauce (called a Mornay sauce in French cuisine).

What thickens cheese sauce? ›

Egg yolk. Grated cheese. Grated cheese, such as cheddar or parmesan, can also act as a thickener in a cheese sauce and becomes a great binding agent in the cooking process. Try, for example, incorporating it into crustless quiches and cauli-pizza dough.

What is cheese fries made of? ›

Cheese Fries are one of my all-time favorite comfort foods. Made with frozen French fries, garlic, cheddar cheese, a little flour, and some fridge staples like butter and milk, they are super easy to make and always disappear fast at my house.

What two types of cheese are best for cooking? ›

For most dishes a softer, Cheddar, creamy Lancashire, or Gruyère-style are almost perfect for cooking, having the strength of flavour and a structure (moisture/acidity/calcium) that means they melt extremely well. A bit of age to the cheese will help, as it gives a sharper flavour which will come through in the dish.

What type of cheese is used at McDonald's? ›

The cheese slice used in our menu items like our Big Mac®, Cheeseburger and Quarter Pounder™ with Cheese contains approximately 60% real cheese (51% Cheddar and 9% Other Cheeses).

Which cheese is best for potatoes? ›

The combination makes sense—potatoes and cheese are natural partners—as does the origin. Potatoes grow well in mountainous regions, which happen to also be the source of so many great melting cheeses, from Gruyère to Emmental and Fontina.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.